Girls Frontline T-Doll Sorter

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Clear Save Data | Girls Frontline version by Мкqт, edited from Touhou sorter Source Code | Last Update: Contender patch.

Keyboard controls during sorting: H/LeftArrow (pick left) J/DownArrow (undo) K/UpArrow (tie) L/RightArrow (pick right) S (save progress).

Before sorting: S/Enter (start sorting) L (load progress).

1/2/3 always correspond to the first/second/third buttons.

PSA: Stop assuming canon heights for t-dolls through comparisions with their gun size.

The guns depicted are not exact models of their real life counterparts and some artists have admitted to scale them up or down.

If unspecified, headcanon is fine, doing it for the memes is fine too, but don't claim the heights to be truly canon unless stated by the artist or an official source.

Different art styles will also play a role and we can see this with how Saru draws huge heads for example, but other canon art with the same characters will have more reasonable proportions.

All art and characters belongs to Micateam and their respective artists.